The Approach
The objective was to increase substantially the number of flea treatment subscriptions sold in this year’s peak flea treatment season (April – September) in what has become a highly competitive market, whilst providing a clear and concise user experience for pet owners.
Starting with a detailed customer insight project that evaluated current performance and highlighted key points of customer failure, Good Growth worked closely with the Pets at Home team to create a digital strategy and prioritised a roadmap of key activity. Our approach was to respond to the findings in the customer insight and create a more effective user journey that was ‘pet-led’ rather than the current ‘product-led’ flea, tick and worm journey. Additionally, key pages outside of the core journey were optimised to improve the overall user experience.
The Findings
The reasoning behind creating an entirely new journey was that the customer insight work highlighted that users found the existing subscription journey long and difficult to navigate, with consistently high exit rates throughout. A review of the customer journey revealed that in order to make a subscription purchase from the point of arriving on the page, users had to complete a staggering number of individual actions. Given the subscription service was about saving time and delivering convenient and appropriate treatments, this was the opposite of the experience being sold.
The other insight was the building of team understanding that in this area pet owners were encountering a product-led rather than a pet-led experience. What was done brilliantly in-store – ensuring that the pet defined the product sold – was being missed online. So for many pet owners, the product they were seeing was unlikely to be the right one for their pet, and unsurprisingly, these customers converted at a much lower rate than those who scrolled further down the page to read the benefits of Pets at Home’s Subscribe & Save service.