Innovation & Experimentation

Good Growth - Innovation & Experimentation

What we do


Innovate digital journeys that delight customers.

Grow faster by embedding an iterative process of Test & Learn, and respond to measurable customer failure to deliver sustainable growth through digital channels.

The Challenge

All organisations look to improve performance through innovation. This could be through new assets, marketing campaigns, improved customer journeys or optimisation of current activity. But despite significant effort and investment it is common to gain limited, if any, return on investment.

Our Response

We work with organisations to embed our Test & Learn process that, whether it be a single AB test or a complex multi-page journey launch, is rooted in design thinking principles:

Hypothesis development

Establish a clear understanding of the customer challenge that the test is responding to.


As informed by the hypothesis, ideate potential responses that address the customer need.


Build and release the alternative user experience.


Measure the impact of the variation through a rich analysis of impacts in both commercial metrics and user engagement.


Using the results of the test, iterate and develop the initial hypothesis to unlock additional testing cycles.

The Output

A faster rate of growth delivered through an iterative, data driven approach to innovation that places the customer at the centre of decision making.

We needed to land our website in less than 3 weeks. Good Growth took up the challenge and importantly kept it to the strict time frame. The commitment from their team was truly amazing.

Jean-Philippe Nier Head of ecommerce, UK & Ireland, Kraft Heinz

Good Growth provided additional capacity to understand performance in both the US and the UK: together - we were able to understand customers in the market to benchmark our own performance and provide innovative solutions to capture the additional revenue.

Andrew Thompson ecommerce Director (former), Boohoo Group

Since launching the new ‘Pet-Led customer journey, we have continued to work collaboratively with Good Growth, drawing on their expertise to define a robust roadmap of test and learn to refine the experience, with data driven focus from detailed metric analytics, user experience data and focused customer surveys. Good Growth have been an amazing team to work with and they continue to work collaboratively with us, and our external partners, as our joined-up pet care customer experience evolves into the proposition of the future.

Chris Hoyland Group Digital Director, Pets at Home

What our clients say